Artist Statement
Order is something that many people thrive on and that drives the structure of their lives. When one minor detail is off, it can stress people to levels unfathomable. When I first brainstormed for this prompt, I thought about order in my life. Personally, when things are not neat and in order, it stresses me out and I cannot think straight or be productive until everything is clean and as it should be. This lead to me reach out of my comfort zone and shoot something that was the exact opposite of what I like- a break in order. My work showcases three apples, lined up nice and clean, but the middle apple has a bite taken out of it. This would bother anyone who cares about aesthetic appeal and order.
To take this photo, I selected three round green apples and cleaned them until they were shiny. I lined them up on my stove top so the bottom would be reflective and studio-like. Then, I took the middle apple and bit it, but I made sure it was not even or a “pretty-looking” bite, then placed it back in its spot on the stove. I enhanced the shine of the apples in photoshop to add to the appeal.
My work is representative of order being broken and how that is slightly uncomfortable to look at. From taking this photo, I learned how to break out of my own comfort zone regarding what I am comfortable with shooting as well as looking at.