Artist Statement
Being incomplete can be defined as having empty space, feeling like one is not yet done with their specific task, or just not feeling whole. While being posed with this prompt before, my initial ideas were mainly physical- losing a limb, not having use of a body part, having a puzzle-like chunk taken out of a body. Upon further thinking, I decided to take a less literal approach to the prompt and look at it through the lens of feeling incomplete in life. My work represents someone who has past away and feels as if their life is not completed because they did not complete their bucket list, or things they wanted to accomplish before they passed away. On the list, there are adventurous numerous tasks such as skydiving, but the only thing not accomplished in their life was being happy. Because of their lack of happiness, life feels incomplete, despite all of the other things they completed.
To create this work, I first designed a bucket list online in a font that looked like a handwriting. I debated writing out the list with my own handwriting, but decided that it may not show up how I would want it to if it was not printed. I added many things people usually put on bucket lists, such as rock climbing, becoming a grandparent, and more. I used a red marker to check off the boxes, leaving the last one unchecked. I then found a large rock that was flat enough to appear as if it was a headstone because I did not want to use a real one. I edited on a name and year to the rock and left the marker in front of the list in the photo, as if it was something that could still one day be completed.
While taking this photo, I learned that there are ways around doing things you may have to do but not want to do for a photo. For example, I did not want to use a real headstone because I felt as if that was disrespectful, so I searched for a large rock flat enough to edit works on to and appear as if it was real.